
Why bike across Canada?

I biked across the continent to raise awareness of the need for education in isolated, underprivileged, post-conflict regions of the world. I want you to understand that there are kids in this world who don’t get the same opportunities as you and me. Some think I’m crazy for doing this, but I think it’s crazy how unfair these kids’ lives are. 

It should not matter where you’re from, who you are, or what you want to be; everyone should be given the opportunity to reach their potential.

So, I’m asking for you to help me support education for kids you don’t know in a tiny town in a part of the world you know very little about.

I want your radical move to mirror my radical move of biking across the continent.

Many people didn’t believe I could do this, and of course I was scared and worried and had never done something like this before, but that didn’t stop me. I wanted to put my self in a situation that was challenging, and maybe just began to give me an idea of what life for the children at Katcham School in Cambodia may be like. I wanted to know how it felt to overcome and succeed at physical and mental challenges. I wanted to show you how one can accomplish anything they set their mind to.

For these children, if what they want to accomplish requires education, why not provide them with that extra leg up? Why not help them prove everyone who does not believe in them wrong? Why not help break the cycle of poverty that they may feel overcome by?

$36 can give one child a desk and enrolment for one year.

$1,000 can hire a locally sourced teacher for a year.

$550 can provide clean drinking water to a school’s site.

$120 provides reading materials for a classroom library.

My goal is to raise at least $20,000; this supports the functions of Katcham school for one school year. What you chose to do here, in a well developed country, can have a much greater effect than you may realize.

I’m asking you to join my journey in discovering and involving yourself in a world so different than your own. That being said, no matter how different their lives and circumstances may be, we are all people on the same earth, of the same roots, and we all deserve the chance to do what we love. We all deserve the chance to succeed. Let’s give these children that chance to become who they truly want to be.

Why  United World Schools?

After hours of researching, I decided to contact United World Schools and share my big plan with them. My final desicion was made due to the fact that I felt they, as a charity, portrayed my view on education and it’s value to children. Personally, I believe every child should be able to have acess to education. Growing up I’ve realized how much kids take education for granted; they see it as something they’re forced to do, not something that is a privilege. Every child, no matter their circumstances, should be given the same opportunity to reach his or her potential. In many cases, reaching life or personal goals requires education. If education isn’t provided for children, how are they meant to do what they want in life?

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